Crisis Communication and Management Glossary

Simple explanations of terms related to the fields of emergency alerts, crisis management and corporate communication

In a Nutshell

Crisis communication, also known as crisis PR, is part of crisis management. It refers to public relations work done by organizations or companies to prevent or manage company crises. It aims to mitigate damage and inform stakeholders about a crisis.

In a Nutshell

Business continuity management (BCM) is a framework for identifying a company or organization’s potential threats, what effects those threats may cause, and building fortifications against those threats.

In a Nutshell

A call tree is a layered hierarchy (or tree) of communication that is used to notify relevant people of an event and coordinate recovery. Nowadays, people usually use emergency notification systems.

In a Nutshell

An evacuation is the transfer of people from a vulnerable area to a safer area. Triggers include emergencies like natural disasters, accidents, fires and bomb threats. Building an evacuation plan is part of area evacuation. Having systems of crisis communication and management for emergency response is crucial to properly executing an evacuation plan. Alerting apps like RapidReach are ideal for this purpose.

In a Nutshell

First aid is immediate assistance given to people who have sustained injuries during an event. It is meant to help them until more comprehensive medical care is available. Having a system for emergency notification like RapidReach is extremely beneficial for situations involving first aid or medical care.

Crisis Management​

In a Nutshell

Crisis Management Short summary